We Joined BNI.  Top 4 Reasons it has been a great experience for us!

    1. We have made new friends!  When you join BNI you have the opportunity to make real personal connections with other small business entrepreneurs. Running your own business has lots of unique challenges and surrounding yourself with a posse of like-minded folks who you can relate to and share common problems and solutions with is awesome.
    2. Public Speaking. Bad News and Good News. Speaking in front of your chapter is part of the deal it cannot be avoided.  Standing up, each week, to give a 45 sec “commercial”  is mandatory. The Good News is if you are terrified of public speaking  you will get over it and inevitably your public speaking skills will improve. One day, you may actually find yourself enjoying it! Regardless, in our chapter you will always receive a healthy supply of applauds.
    3. Referrals.  Joining BNI is one of the quickest ways to start spreading the word about your business.  BNI is designed so referring one another becomes natural & easy to do. Between your chapter’s weekly meeting, scheduling 1 to 1 get togethers and using each others services, word of mouth business is inevitable.
    4. Support Your Local Community. This is one of my favorite things about BNI.  The people in your chapter own businesses that provide services and products that you and your friends will need and want. Your search for most anything you could possibly need has become so much easier. If your chapter doesn’t have a provider of a service you are looking for, another chapter will, all you have to do is ask.