Video Production and Internet Marketing.   Videos for the Web that Get Seen.

5 Steps for Successful Video Marketing


  • When writing and producing your web video make sure it is informative, useful and engaging. People use the internet to find information and the best way to attract an audience is to provide that information in video. Also, positively reference partner businesses and mention other people.  This is great a way to promote others who will then be motivated to share your videos with their friends, family and clients. To get started write down 5 of the most common questions you get from your customers and write out the answers.  Now you have 5 different ideas for videos that people will search for.


  • Create a Youtube channel!  Before you upload any videos make sure your Youtube Channel looks good. You will need some things to get started. A gmail address, your logo, an appropriate cover photo, your website address and a well thought out channel description. Having a detailed and accurate channel description will optimize your channel so more Youtube viewers can find your videos. Your website address will lead people back to your website where they can learn more about you.


  • Upload your video to your Youtube channel.  Make sure you pick a good thumbnail and write a detailed description of the video (so it can be found by people seeking information your video offers). To further optimize your video, for search, enter descriptive keywords when tagging your video. If you have more than one video you may want to consider putting the videos in playlists.


  • Embed the video at your website.  Most website platforms make this a super simple task.  At See Spot we create websites with wordpress which gives you tons of options for how you can embed and display your videos.  Themes by GoodLayers make this process pretty easy. Once your video is on your website make sure to have text on the video’s page.  Text about the video on the video’s page increases SEO because Google will match Keywords entered into the search bar with written words on your webpage.


  • Promote your video! Use social media to let other know that you have a new video. Provide a short sentence with your post that will compel people to click the play button.  The shorter your video the more likely they will watch the whole video. We recommend under 1 minute.Some of the best stories are 1 minute and under  You can also promote your video through email blasts, that you send through Mailchimp,  at your Google Reviews, LinkIN and more.