For our love of film we founded a film festival

Tumbleweed Film Festival


Founded, Branded, and Organized.  Web Site Development, Social Media, Print Advertising, Online Ticket Sales, Video Production, Graphic Design, Press Releases

The Concept

To bring independent filmmaking to a small town in Eastern Washington by connecting filmmakers from around the world with local businesses in Oroville, WA and Osoyoos British Columbia.

The town of Oroville WA, had few cultural events and was lacked entertainment, specifically a movie theater. Although a beautiful town, nestled on the border of Canada’s wine country it  struggled for tourism and was experiencing a spiraling economic situation.

(Film Screening Programs.)

See Spot Run developed the concept of a short film festival that would take place once a year over several nights. The films would be screened at local establishments willing to turn their retail space into movie theaters for an evening. We developed a process and procedure to scout for ‘world class” short independent movies by creating relationships with larger film festivals, including the Seattle International film festival, and independent filmmakers from around the world

Video Concepts

(Video Production)

We are responsible for all marketing including the Tumbleweed website, design, optimization, website ticket sales. We also lead the production of all Tumbleweed marketing materials from print to video, newspaper and online ads. Through our marketing processes we developed the Tumbleweed brand and applied for and received 501 C3 status.

Social Media

We used social media to communicate with fans, promote tickets and share videos and photos.  Facebook has been great way to connect audiences with filmmakers and festival supporters!

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Creative Solutions

Thinking differently to attract attention, raise money and spread the word.

We  developed a major sponsorship program offering various levels and incentives for the community and audience members to support the film festival through financial or in kind donations.  To get people involved we offered on screen advertising, program advertising, mentions in radio interviews and more.

Over 6 years we grew the festival in attendance and expanded its geographic range into other parts of Eastern Washington and British Columbia. 

 1st annual Tumbleweed Film Festival – Good Old Signage
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First Tumbleweed Screening Trailer

Tumbleweed Website

Streams featured short movies, sells tickets, and promotes sponsors. Original photography and graphic design by See Spot.

Tumbleweed relied heavily on local newspapers and radio stations. We ran several campaigns including the distribution of press releases throughout the community in their major papers, radio ads and radio interviews.


We also organized volunteers, engaged the local high school by creating family friendly events and sold peripheral marketing merchandise like t-shirts.